Emma and the Magic Bag

Fridays: 9.30am -10.30am

September: 8, 15, 29

October : 6, 13, 20

Venue: Shroton Village Hall postcode DT11 8QB

6 week sign up: £42. Drop in: £9 per session (concessions available)
Early Years 0 -4 yrs
Cheerful group leader Emma holds up magic bag and smiles

Every child responds to music; it touches every aspect of child development – motor skills (eg marching, dancing, beating a drum), speech development (eg experimenting with new sounds, listening, repeating, pitch, rhythm), social skills (eg sharing, turn taking, eye contact).

Emma runs a group where every child is listened to, and each child’s needs are recognised.

group sessions are as much child-led (to give the children confidence
that their contributions and creativity matter) as led by Emma. This all
sounds very dry, but Emma believes we learn when we’re having fun. Fun
and nonsense are an integral part of the sessions and each child is
encouraged to join in at their own pace. Group experiences were a normal
part of pre-school life pre-lockdown. Now, more than ever, the group
experience is vital and a wonderful way to prepare children for Primary
School. All welcome.

Facebook Emma and the Magic Bag for videos and to see what nonsense she does!