Samba in Shroton

Tuesdays : 6pm - 7pm

November : 7, 14, 21, 28

December : 5, 12

Venue: Shroton Village Hall DT11 8QB

Adults: £30 for 6 x weeks, under 18s: £12 for 6 weeks
Please email DRMS office for payment plans

Join our thriving Samba group for all ages and abilities in Shroton village hall!

Samba is a fantastic opportunity to develop coordination, hone your concentration and challenge your brain! (also excellent for muscle toning 🙂 This vibrant group continues to grow in popularity and is a great hit with families . . .
fun, healthy and at times hilarious, we (literally) climb mountains to perform and have a good time.

You really should give this a go!